Systems glycobiology enabled by innovations in mass spectrometry and chemical biology
Glycosylation is a dominant feature of extracellular phenotypes. Glycoproteins present distinct combinations of glycans and amino acids that create unique molecular surfaces to relay biological information in a language called the glycocode. Despite evidence that the glycocode orchestrates numerous aspects of cell surface biology, we lack a fundamental understanding of the glycosylation landscape across the proteome, largely because we do not have tools to capture the glycocode at a systems level. Our group works to address this critical gap in current analytical technology to study glycocode regulation across biological networks that govern health and disease.
Latest News
The 2025 UW Chemistry Graduate Student Open House kicks off!
We enjoyed meeting and interacting with everyone.
Katie presents at the Dept. of Chemistry's Bioanalytical Seminar.
Ruby presents at the Dept. of Chemistry's Bioanalytical Seminar.
Nick presents a seminar at UW's
Synthetic Biology Supergroup Meeting.
Congratulations to Emmajay and Tim on their publication in JASMS,
"Revisiting the Effect of Trypsin Digestion Buffers on Artificial Deamidation"!
Nick presents a faculty lunch seminar to UW's Department of Biochemistry.
Nick gives a talk titled "Ion-ion reactions in Glycoproteomics"
at the Lake Arrowhead MS Conference
Congratulations to Jacob and Kayla on passing their second-year exams!
The RRG receives news that their Royal Research Fund
Proposal was awarded funding!
Jacob and Kayla present at the newly launched
Dept. of Chemistry Bioanalytical Seminar.
The 2025 Winter Quarter begins!
Good luck to those taking classes and teaching!
Vishnu wins an Undergraduate Travel Award to
attend and present at US HUPO in February 2025!
Congrats Vishnu!
RRG celebrates the end of the quarter with a Holiday Party and gift exchange!
We hope everyone has a great winter break!
Nick gives a talk in MolES titled "Systems glycobiology through
innovations in mass spectrometry and chemical biology"
Katie wins a 2025 US HUPO Travel Award
to present her work in Philadelphia in February!
Congrats Katie!
RRG's publication, Autonomous Dissociation-Type Selection
for Glycoproteomics using Real-Time Library Search, has been
accepted to JPR! Congrats Emmajay, Tim, Jacob, and Katie!
2024.11.10 thru 2024.11.13
Nick attends the annual Society of Glycobiology meeting, where he
chairs a session on High-throughput Analytical Approaches for
Characterizing Glycoconjugates and presents a talk on GlyCounter.
Jacob is featured as a member of UW's first- generation
community. Great to learn about your path here, Jacob!
See News and Updates for more!
Our Philosophy
We are a lab committed to quality science and a supportive lab environment. Collaboration and mentorship are themes of our group,
and we aim to make sure everyone has the opportunity to pursue their goals in research and beyond.
The world needs more than just good science. It needs good scientists, who strive to uncover truths about the natural world and who work to protect rights for all members of our communities. Words from others* summarize our perspective well: "Diversity of ideas leads to better science; it requires diverse people. Equity allows us to find those who will thrive despite their lack of previous opportunity and privilege. Inclusion means that people want to stay and can be their best selves here." We are committed to these ideas and see them as fundamental to our ability to pursue good science.
{*Borrowed from John Trant (}
Banner photo credit: Steven T Luong (@steven_t_luong on Twitter)