Letters of Recommendation

If you would like to request a letter of recommendation, please fill out this request form.  After you complete this form, you will be able to print a copy of your responses from the landing page that appears upon successful completion. Please print your responses as a pdf and email this pdf copy of responses to Nick (nmriley@uw.edu) with your CV or resume attached.

If you are completing this form to obtain a letter for graduate school or medical school applications, please also download and complete this intake information sheet and attach it to the email you send.

A general rule of courtesy is to provide at least two weeks' notice of your request before a letter is needed/due. This is not always possible, so if an urgent request arises, please let me know as soon as you can. The earlier you can let me know, the better!

For undergraduates interested in letters of recommendation, this website from Dr. Christopher Cahill has great advice! Note, as required by FERPA, I can offer general observations, but I will not release information related to GPA or grades.

For anyone requesting a letter, please be sure to follow up after you hear back about your application(s). Hearing about how things went is important to me!

Banner photo credit: Nick Riley