Instruments and
Other Equipment
Maverick | Orbitrap Ascend Tribrid MS
Integrated quadrupole, Orbitrap, and linear ion trap mass analyzers
Front & back ion routing multipoles help parallelize scan functions
Front-end Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD)
Proton Transfer Charge Reduction (PTCR)
Extended mass range up to m/z 16,000 (HMRn+)
Goose| Vanquish Neo UHPLC
Nano-, capillary-, and micro-flow for online LC-MS/MS capabilities with numerous chemistries
In-house fabricated column heater for easy use with commercial or self-packed columns
Apex |
Velos Pro
Dual-cell 2D linear ion trap mass spectrometer
Improved ion detection system and ion transfer over previous models
Resonant CID and front-end HCD
Dibco |
2D linear ion trap mass spectrometer with resonant CID and outfitted for electron transfer dissociation
Currently coupled to a variable wavelength laser in the Turecek lab for collaborative work
Azi |
Easy nLC-1000
Split-free, nano-flow UHPLC performance up to 1000 bar
Easy interfacing to MS and control software
Straightforward direct infusion options
Instruments in the Wet Lab
Deuce |
1260 Infinity II HPLC
KingFisher Flex
Curiox HT2000 Laminar Wash
M2e Plate Reader
Banner photo credit: Nick Riley